And a good evening to you from across the Pond. Today marks the countdown - we are officially less than 168 hours (knock on wood) from the arrival of Samantha Lane Rice!!! Johnny - I'm on pins and needles, man - light Skype up the second you have news for us.
Secondly - Happy Birthday, Dinger! The man diagnosing my foot and offering treatment advice joined the rare air of 32 today. Here's hoping it's a grea one, brother. And remember - "32 is the new 22," so we're just hitting our stride.
Today was a busy day at work, and the Taylors were not super exciting this evening. Jenny, despite her best efforts for more than two hours, was bested by a slow internet connection and trouble with uploading pictures onto Facebook (although there are some Dubai shots on there now). I was an equally rivetin
g spectacle, making my way through another 70 or so pages of "Brisingr" by Christopher Paolini. I mean, check out my academic prowess (and the Arsenal scarf) - tell me that I'm not a beacon of educational perfection.
And while you're at it, you should probably check out the afro - that's right -it's now been 13.5 weeks since the last trim. In our defense, we did try to cut it before Prague, only to have our third set of UK clippers die on us - at least they died BEFORE we started...
The good news is that the Taylor's turned in their second straight AFD today, and all signs point to three in a row tomorrow. My liver certainly has his fingers crossed...
That's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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