And a TOP MORNING to you all from across the Pond on a rainy (yet bright and warm!) Saturday in the
Mother Country. So today some serious voodoo witch magic happened - Sam Taylor actually WOKE UP ON HIS OWN WITHOUT AN ALARM AT 7:34 AM. Despite desperate efforts to return to normalcy (aka sleeping until noon), Taylor was simply unable to return to restful slumber. I think all those 6 AM workout sessions are starting to shift my body clock.
Muffin Puffin, however, has had ZERO trouble sleeping. In fact, last night upon arriving home, I went to the living room to kick off my shoes while JT went into the bedroom to "change into comfy clothes." 2 minutes later, I called out "Muffin!" Silence. Round two: "MUFFIN!" More radio silence from the bedroom. Just a wee bit concerned, I walked into the bedroom, where I found the CUTEST redhead on the planet PASSED OUT sideways on the bed. In case anyone's curious, since I wasn't exactly in a "sharp" state of
mind myself, I just pulled up the covers at the foot of the bed and climbed in sideways beside her. This worked until about 4 AM, when she work up and said, "Why are you laying like that?" Oh, puffin...too cute.
But I digress - as the readership probably feels like they've watched one of those movies where you see the last scene before the credits start. The question is - what led Sam and Jenny to sleep sideways in the bed. That answer begins earlier in the day, at a magical place called the Cat & Canary...
So the work day was good. I logged 80 minutes on the bike, covering 45 kms but not burning as many calories (the legs were a bit tired yesterday, so I didn't put the resistance up as high). Also, since JT was in the Wharf, we got our Salmon and Cream Cheese Bagel! We'd been without for about 3 weeks, so this was a tasty treat.
The work day was GREAT - it was CODE FREEZE, baby, meaning another big milestone has been crossed. Between getting through that, closing some other big testing, and passing a readiness review with leadership, it's been a GREAT week. Consequently, we needed to celebrate with the "mandatory 5 PM meeting."
Brother Morgan, Steve (VA - this is the Ed Norton hottie look-a-like - sorry I didn't get a picture, but he looked REALLY hot in his vest yesterday - you'll just have to come back over for another visit), Lord, Puffin, and I hit up the cat for some drinks, and whilst there I took down 4 pints. That's heavy, I'd admit, but it's typical for a Friday afternoon, especially considering that we know the countdown to repatriation is on (just over 90 days! How is that possible?).
When we left there, however, we rolled up to St. Christopher's Place and found a FANTASTIC little Italian joint with WICKED good pizza and DELICIOUS salmon pasta. They also had a GREAT bottle of house red which, upon further review, was probably more than we needed. JT said, "Let's just get a glass," but I was having NONE of it. And THAT ladies and gentlemen, is why we ended up sleeping sideways at Casa de Taylor. No complaints, however, as it was a GREAT meal and one of those truly great conversations (which I remember completely, for the record!) that you can only have with your soul mate.
Last note - I finished "Race to the Pole" last night on the tube home - GREAT read for those who enjoy boy humor, as I must have laughed out loud 10-15 times. Parts of it were a bit boring, to be sure, but that book did NOT disappoint, and I'm really glad I bought it (or that Jan ordered it for me, I should say :-)).
Okay - it's time to wake muffin puffin, as it's SUPER SATURDAY, BABY! The FINAL day of the Six Nations, and 3 squads still have a shot. Cymra um bith!!!
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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