And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. So in an effort to COMPLETELY torpedo all training over the summer and put back on as many Transition pounds as possible, Sammy the Bull had ANOTHER day of not working out. However, life’s too short to count calories, right? But hey, it was another EPIC day in the Smoke, so no worries there.
For starters, Team Taylor made the run with Brother Morgan and the Hitman to Nando’s, where I took the heat down a level and went with just 5 wings. Fizzy – I am happy to report that the creamy mash is still SO GUUUUUUUUUUD (peppy cheekies).
The work day was rather quiet due to Armistice (UK)/Veteran’s (US)/Remembrance (CA) Day observations. There was a particularly haunting moment at work when, at 11 AM, a voice got on the intercom and announced “Please observe a 2 minute silence for all those who serve and served.” It was quite eerie, as the office went DEAD SILENT – not a key stroke, not a phone call, not a door opening, not a cup of coffee touching the counter – NOTHING. For Gran, Granddaddy, and all those in between – a heartfelt thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do.
After work, Jenny and I rolled over to meet Owain, Hitman, and Steve (the Tennessee – Saudi Connection) at the Ship. At first I didn’t think I’d ever seen this place, but as we rounded the corner (luckily Muffin found it – I was oblivious…as usual…CP – NOT A WORD), I realized it was the scene of the famou
So back story – for Christmas last year, Jenny bought me a “beer a day” calendar that highlights a different brew for each day of the year. I keep the ones that intrigue me, and the first one I kept was one I saw back in March – a beer from the Orkney Brewery called “Dark Island.” Before last night I had NEVER seen it anywhere, and so when I beheld its dark goodness flowing from a cellar cask, I almost wept for joy. And the best part – it was GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD.
After that, we rolled to dinner, where the Prime Minister’s (Andy Carter) legacy continued in good station. Andy took me to a place called the Dil Chad (Indian, of course!) back in 2008, and I had been wanted to get back there for quite some time. Well, as it was walking distance, we made the trek, and it DID NOT disappoint – even if Boyz II Men and SHABBA!!! were on a constant 15 minute loop – details. But seriously – I
The evening ended with pints of Doombar and Porter at the White Hart before calling it a night and making our way back to the flat. All in all, it was a GREAT night, even if Team Taylor continues to be EXHAUSTED.
Hitman – safe travels back to the colonies, brother. We’ll catch you in a month!
And last but CERTAINLY not least – HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY PATTIE RUTH TAYLOR!!!!! The roads of Hamblen and Hawkins county will never be the same…I love you!!!!
Happy Birthday to Heather "H-bomb" Sheehan as well - welcome to the Larry Bird Club H!!!
Okay, that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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