And a good evening to you from across the globe after another GREAT DAY in the Lion City. Today was a BLUR, as I was in meetings STRAIGHT THROUGH from 9-6:30. Tomorrow's going to be the same (um, Integration week anyone?), but then mercifully it levels out. And given that I had a late workout last night, Sammy the Bull took a pass this evening. After all, I had big plans. And what were those plans, you ask? Why, dinner with Fizzy and Lovely Lori, of course!!! That's right, sports fans, catching them fresh at the start of their WHIRLWIND tour of the globe to promote the magic and mystery that is HRO, Lori and Liz rolled in to town today to chat with our project team about upcoming global changes and potential impacts. I mean, when you see THIS sign on the door, tell me that you aren't in for a good day. :-)
Honestly, it's been so amazing to have so many friends from previous transitions here in Singapore during my first couple of weeks. For starters, it's made the adjustment to life in Asia much smoother, as I've still had folks to have dinner/drinks with, but it's also been great from a work perspective, as it's helped make the assimilation into the Asian work culture much, much easier. Between the Terrier, Malaysia (aka K-Dub), the fellow Tarheel alum, and Fizzy, life's been pretty much perfect for the first 2 weeks.
This evening we all met at 8 PM in Clarke Quay for din-din, walking past the "owl themed restaurant" and passing on Fremantle (Muffin - prices aren't bad, so we simply GOTTA hit this place for our James Squire) before arriving at a place that truly SCREAMS Singapore - Muchos Mexican Grill.
Seriously, this was CLASSIC. The menu is totally legit, but when you get to the fajita section, it actually says, "Prounced "fuh-hee-tuh," this tasty Mexican dish allows you to build your own meal!" I mean really? REALLY? WHO THE HELL VISITING OR LIVING IN SINGAPORE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A FAJITA IS?" But since Lori dared me, I felt I had to make a scene:
Sammy the Gringo (StG): "I'd like the Fuh-JIIIII-tahs, please."
Lee the Asian Waiter in the Mexican Restaurant (LAWMR): "You say you want beef?"
StG: "Yes, beef is good for Fuh-JIIIII-tahs."
Lee: "Okay, I give you beef with fajitas."
StG: "Thanks."
Seriously? He doesn't call me out? Come on, Lee - you gotta come out swinging next time. Leave nothing but a vapor trail.
The weather was perfect, the food was great, and the laughs were plentiful (Muffin - they now know about th
A few more points of note:
1. Shutter Island is a great book. Don't read it before watching the movie because it MIRRORS THE STORY EXACTLY. It will have no drama for you.
2. Muffin - the Mountain Dew shirt is fitting better. I think I'm trimming down! Dinger - shut your trap...
3. Something is wrong with my sink in the kitchen. Whenever I turn it on, there's a smell for the first 20 seconds that can only be described (to quote my father) as "ROT GUT FILTH." And worst of all, if you're washing your hands, it sticks to the skin. Stay tuned to find out what sewage I've been ingesting for the past two weeks.
4. VFF Update:
a. Color - CHECK
b. Other items - still pending
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and (fresh off breaking the bank at Target and bonding with Cuz 1 and 2) Jenny
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