And a good evening to you from across the globe after another GREAT DAY in the Lion City. So first off, ANNOUNCEMENT: there will be NO BLOG until Monday, 2 May. Why, you ask? Well, because after multiple failed attempts, Team Taylor is finally en route to their first (of four) destination in...wait for it...wait for it...THAILAND, BABY!!!!! Phuket here we come!
I realize that I owe everyone K-L part 2, and I'll also owe folks the Phuket highlights. However, as it's just after 2 in the morning, I simply don't have the energy tonight.
In exercise news, the Bull logged 25KM on the bike in ~50 minutes, and it felt good. Monday night, however, was GREAT, as I ran with the A Group again at track practice! It was actually my strongest practice to date, and I was really pleased with how it went (downward pace pyramid from 500 on 30 second intervals for 100's - good stuff). But fret not - the Dunlap is still intact and solid (literally).
As to the highlight of the evening, it has been a LONG time in the making. So a bit of back story here (T-Rowe - tell me this isn't a stroll down memory lane) - waaaaaaaay back in my consulting days ("I wouldn't say I've actually been MISSING work, Bob") we met a lovely and talented Long Island girl named Candace Marriott. Well, despite the rewarding 12 hour days of script development and software testing, Candace decided that she'd had enough of consulting and set to work on achieving her dream (Candace - not sure if it's still the goal or not:-)) - becoming Chair of the Fed (that's right, folks - she's pretty smart...). And now, 7 years later, she's Dr. Marriott, Ph.D in Economics (I actually think it's Applied Econometrics and Actuarial Sciences or something - I just know know it sounds REALLY complicated), working for one of the Big 4.
Anyhoo, we'd missed her during her visit to London (we were away on vacation when she was there - shocking, right?), but as fate would have it, she was connecting through Singapore at the mid-point of her moneymoon, and so we met up for a drink at their hotel!
Granted, getting a cab from Robertson Walk was a NIGHTMARE (P Dawg - you weren't kidding, the wait was DONKEY TRASH), but we did finally make their hotel (the Crown Plaza - Nashua style, Route 3), where we kicked back in "Bar 75" on the second floor and spent the night catching up and have MANY laughs about their honeymoon mishaps and adventures. We also got to meet her new husband Marc, who's retelling of the "Ryan Air" experience AND the "Adventures in Male airport" were both AWESOME.
Guys, it was SO GREAT catching up with you - just too quick! NYC next year - it's gonna happen. Bring on Sushi Samba, Brother Jimmy's, and Barcade!
And btw - Rice - I am thinking Tripp. Just sayin'...SO AWESOME MAN!!!!!!
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat Monday. Happy Labor Day (in Asia, anyway!)!
Sam and Jenny
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