And a good evening to you from across the globe after another GR
EAT DAY in the Lion City. Yes, yes - I realize that the title of tonight's blog could very well be the title of my autobiography or the quote that best describes the Bull's time abroad, but I'm betting that at least the good Mr. Rice will know the quote. It's a fitting quote for the weekend recap, as it was a fun one.
The weekend started in earnest (after the 12+ hour sleep) with a GREAT brekkie at Boomerang (in the hunt right now as my favorite joint in Sing Sing). After a flat white and TONS of food, we rolled over to the Sundown Running Weekend Expo, moving us one step closer to the official return to fitness (he types this whilst shoveling Spicy Nachos doritos down his gullet...but hey, he didn't have many options after the BLOCK OF CHEESE he just consumed...CHUUUUUUBBYYYYYY BUNNNNNYYYYYY!!!!!) by picking up our race packets. As fate would have it, this tu
rned out to be quite the adventure.
So here's the deal - given that Singapore is CRAZY about having appropriate documentation to collect anything, I had printed out about 47 sheets of paper in addition to having both my old AND new passports on hand. The printout said that the expo was at the Changi Exhibition Center, which is what we told the cabbie. He starts driving us out there, and about 20 minutes into the drive (we were practically in Burma) he says, "Why you go Changi? There nothing there? Is open field and expo is over?" I assume he's a) demented, b) confused, or c) doesn't want to drive that far, but sure enough, another 10 minutes brings us to the ASS END OF THE UNIVERSE - a spit of land overlooking some water and undeveloped scrub. There is this old airplane hangar and NO ONE ANYWHERE CLOSE. I look at the form that says:
I show this to the cabbie who says, "Why you say exhibition center?"
Cabbie: "No, no - this different exhibition center. This expo center. This back in town. I take you there." (OBVIOUSLY, BECAUSE WITH WHAT WE'LL PAY YOU, YOU CAN RETIRE AFTER THIS RIDE)
And sure enou
gh, another 20 minutes later, we're at the EXPO center, where we so conveniently learn that it was an easy metro ride from our place....grrrrrrreat.....
But we g
ot our bibs, some goo, and even new shorts and a Camelback for Muffin Puffin! We spent about an hour there, and I found out about 2 more half marathons here later in the year (and I just finished signing up for both of them). Bring on the heat, baby!!!!! Sammy's gotta burn off some beer calories!!!!
We then headed back to the casa, where we packed a picnic basket and then headed to Fort Canning Park for the featured event of the evening - MacBeth in the Open Air theater. This was REALLY c
ool - not as groovy as Regent's Park, but still very neat in its own right (and much, much warmer...). Picnicking is "encouraged," and by "picnicking" they mean "bring your booze" - we seriously heard about 40 champagne corks pop before the show started.
The performance was very well done, and they made good use of the space. All in all, this was really groovy.
On Sunday we didn't do much - a brunch at Bar Bar Black Sheep (tell me that's not the greatest name EVER) before coming home to relax and do some travel research (Shocking, I know...) before heading over to the gym for a last long run. I logged 13 KM (8 miles) on the treadmill, and Muffin logged 9.2 in a very valiant effort, especially considering how much pain her foot's been in lately. And get this - she swam ~3000 meters tonight! She's an animal! I biked for 45, so I pretty much look slack compared to that effort.
Dinner on Sunday was back to wine connection, where we tore up some AMAZING pasta - seriously, that place is the best kept secret in Singapore!
Okay, that's the weekend in review and definitely all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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