And a good Sunday morning to you from across
the GLOBE after another BIG NIGHT OUT in the Lion City. I gotta tell ya - all these London visitors might send me to an early grave (not really, mum), but all I can say is "what a way to go." It was a FABULOUS Saturday in Sing Sing, starting, and given that it's noon and we're about to walk out the door again, I can't WAIT to see where the day takes us. J-Wade - you've inspired us, man! And Wild Card, don't worry - I'll still be wicked productive in the office tomorrow. :-)
So the Bull and Striker were up about noonish, at which point we showered and rocked over to (where else) Boomerang, baby! You saw those photos yesterday, as the Boomerang Deluxe pizza was consumed vs. the normal brekkie fare. I even washed it down with a Pure Blonde (Australian lager), and all was right with the world.
I then popped over for a haircut, but rather than rock the Bushido place, I hit up this joint right by our local grocery store (Cold Storage - an odd name since most things AREN'T cold and they don't have much room to store anything), and the discussion over my buzz was interesting:
Sammy the Bull (StB): "How much is a cut?"
Truly Sing Stylist (TSS): "30 dollah, lah. Is cheap, lah!!"
StB: "And you're free now?"
TSS: "Can, can, ah." (StB goes and sits in chair) "You no cut in 1, 2 months. How you like, ah?"
StB: "I'd like a 4 on top and 2 on the sides."
TSS: "No, ah. Is too short. I think you no do."
StB: "Yes, lah - I do. Can can. 4 and 2." (SERIOUSLY - WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT? I JUST WANT MY HEAD BUZZED!!!!)
TSS: "But you still want to come it, ah?"
StB: "No, no comb. Please buzz."
TSS: "I think is better if you comb. I make it so you comb."
StB: "I DON'T WANT TO COMB IT, LAH. Just buzz head."
TSS: "Okay, okay. Can can. I leave just a little comb."
StB: "NO. NO COMB. Just buzz." (buzzing begins, and it's clearly breaking her heart. She barely presses on my head for awhile, but after the third "shorter, please," she finally gets it.)
All the same, 20 minutes later I was a space monkey ready to be shot into orbit, at which point we went to the airport and picked up.....YAZNA KLARIN!!!!!!! That's right, sports fans - after a 9 month absence from the blog, Yazz is back in t
echnicolor. And boy, what an epic night it was.
We started with a few drinks by the pool at casa de Taylor, we all wandered back up to get ready. The doorbell rang shortly thereafter, and who rocks in but Money and Dan! That's right, fresh off a 4 week trek through Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, the perpetual nomads are back in Sing Sing for 10 days whilst Big D sorts out his contract (that's right - HE GOT A JOB!!!!). All gussied up, the 5 of us then wandered down to Boat Quay, where we arrived at Red Dot in time to meet 2 of Yazz's mates from London - Jen (now living here) and Stuart (working here for the week). We then picked up Julie "the m
aster negotiator" Mondello and Emma "Sultan of Norwegian Death Metal" Tullett as well, and the crew had a few before rocking over to this REALLY good seafood joint on the water. The dude offered us all a free drink, but Julie decides that isn't enough and says, "You're gonna make that two free drinks, right? I mean, it only seems fair." I expected the "diss" from this guy, but he simply says, "Sure - no problem." I mean, are you kidding me? Impressive...
The conversations were HILARIOUS, and I was quite pleased at the evening that Muffin Puffin had engineered (look at the social butterfly she becomes when she's not working!). And so, energy high (even for Yazz, who'd JUST LANDED at 4 PM from the UK), we rolled over to "Crub Street," where we hit Ying Yang and spent the next four hours on the rooftop bar. Again, Sister Julie
was a force of nature, as not only did she negotiate some free shots for the girls, but she also managed to do the impossible in Singapore - tell a bartender that the drink wasn't good and convince them to switch it out. Wise in the ways of the Jedi is she. Much to learn, have I...
Amidst the 5 basquillion laughs, key topics of conversation:
1. Why Norwegian Death Metal is far superior to Swedish Death Metal
2. Why a night out in Essex can only end in "Feces"
4. Why Sam Taylor's accent hasn't softened ONE BIT in 4 years abroad (I explained to them that it HAD in fact softened, but they weren't buying it)
5. Why Indian and Thai food should never hurt more on the way in than on the way out (we did this one in some length and description - I got the sense Emma was less than pleased)
We rolled out of there about 3 (it would have been 2, but Julie convinced the staff that we needed time for 1 more and then needed extensive time to finish that drink - I am AMAZED by this girl), getting home and feasti
ng on Marmite and cheese crackers until 4 AM (T-Bone, you would have been so proud). Bed was 4:30 AM, and now we're rallying for another Boomerang run - LET'S GET AMONGST IT!!!!
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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