FINALLY!!! Team Taylor Down Under together - complete with a fantastic free-hand sketch of the continent courtesy of Dommy |
And before I kick off with the featured part of the blog, I simply MUST give Terrier a shout out about a GREAT conversation I heard in the elevator last night. So I get on the elevator with 6 people when I arrive home - 5 guys clearly from Africa and 1 dude DEFINITELY straight out of Britain. These two groups clearly have nothing in common save for the fact they are working on an oil rig together here (he's got BP on his shirt). The convo goes like this:
British Petroleum Foreman Dude (BPFD): "So, have you guys ever eaten at Yang before?" (Sam suppresses laughter...huh, huh...)
Collective Group of Dudes in Singapore for the First Time (CGDSFT): "Um, no."
BPFD: "It's French food. Do you like French?" (SIDE NOTE - Why the hell is the FRENCH restaurant named YANG? Shouldn't it be called "Oui" or "Pret a Manger" or "Toot Sweet?")
CGDSFT: "Um, we have never tried it."
BPFD: "Oh, you'll like it. It's just like English food. I'm from England, and I can't tell any difference between French and English cuisine. If you've had one, you've had the other." (Bull suppresses further laughter and makes mental note to tell Sophie that the Brits have bashed her country yet again).
So there you have it, Sophie - Fish & chips = all the wine, cheese, and tare tare you can handle - don't be hatin'...
So, let's get to the featured bit, shall we? We took the overnight flight to Sydney on Thursday (actually Friday at 12:35 AM). You'd think that the airport would be quiet at that time of night, but it's actually heaving with long-haul connectors and flights to India. Jenny and I cleared customs with 30 minutes to spare and went over to the free foot massage station (OH YEAH, BABY!) and had a 30 minute footrub. Seriously - it was guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud. We then hopped the flight, which was just 6 hours and 50 minutes Down Under. Now, the good part is that it's a quick flight. The bad part was that I'd run 10 miles before getting on that plane and I was EXHAUSTED. However, I couldn't sleep because a) they feed you TWICE whilst on that flight (seriously - coach on Sing Air is a basquillion times better than US Airways business) and b) there was a gal beside me (not Jenny) who reeked as though she hadn't bathed in 17 years. Seriously I thought it was the dude in front of me (he looked like "one of those," but when the 4'8" stinkbomb stood up at the end of the flight, I realized who the culprit really was.
We arrived on a bloody FREEZING day - 40 F! Considering that it was 88 F when we left Singapore at MIDNIGHT, that was quite a shock for us. We cleared customs and wandered out to find Dommy, whom we hadn't seen since our wedding. No one was at the arrivals area when we walked through, but literally 30 seconds later, we see a blond gal running into the terminal with a child and a sign in hand. And sure enough - there they are: AUSSIES!!!!!!
This was the first time we'd ever met Charlotte (who, let me warn you now, will be in a BILLION photos in the coming days because she very well might be the CUTEST kid EVER), and she was adorable. All she knew about me coming into the trip was that "Mr. Sam talks funny," but she actually seemed to understand me fine (shocking, that). And so, with Jenny in the back seat between 2 childseats and Dommy behind the wheel, we drove over the Harbour (spelled for OSC's benefit) Bridge and into North Sydney (did I mention we saw the Opera House from our window on the descent? SO COOL), at which point we were reunited with Dean!
We had a quick coffee (flat white - it's soooooooo Australian and soooooooooo yummy) and sandwich, at which point we were introduced to a little thing called "AN AUSTRALIAN ECONOMY ON FIRE." When Jenny and I were last there, it was just under 1.5 Aussie to the Dollar. Now their dollar is stronger, and prices have SKYROCKETED. Seriously - we never got out of lunch for under $50 - even without booze. But hey - we weren't there to save money - we were there to live the dream!
This was really exciting for me, as I didn't make Manly last time. It is an AMAZING area of Sydney called the North Beaches, and it's very close to an area called "The Heads," which is the actual opening to the ocean. Dean said it best whilst taking the ferry in one day: "Beyond that, you don't hit land for a loooooooooong time" (that land would be CHILE, in case anyone's scoring).
I mean, tell me this photo doesn't just look like trouble: "No, Dom, I haven't seen her. One minute my fat ass was on the see-saw, and the next minute she was in orbit..." |
After that it was back to the casa, where we spent the evening catching up (and Dean took me to Dan Murphy's, which is like Total Wine in Australia) before getting Indian take-out (which was off the CHAIN) - it had been a long time since our tastebuds had visited the subcontinent, and it was so guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud - peppy cheekies.
Okay, I know that's just 1 day, but it's late, and so that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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