And a good evening to you from across the Pond. Today was another great day – first off, we sawed through many a “to-do” at work, which always makes me feel good. Secondly, we went for “birthday bevies” for Lisa Placks (aka Money Penny, whom you’ve all met before) at a place called the Young Vic.
This is a neat spot
I will say that Laura has quite intrigued me, as she pronounced the cheese spelled “gruyere” as “grur.” And so I ask the masses – is this correct? If not, now in the WORLD do you spell that cheese? I only ask because I order it all the time and would like to say it correctly¸even if my TN accent usually earns me a pass no matter what I say.
After that, we hopped back on the tube and headed home, where we had our second installment of “La Tasca,” the Spanish tapas place. Okay, Okay, I know, I know…I have protested over and over again about how I simply cannot stand Spanish food. But cats, this is NOT Spanish food – this place ROCKS. Add in some tasty (and fresh!) San Miguel and a 50% off coupon (thanks, Money Penny for the discount voucher web site!), and you’ve got a recipe for a good night. We sampled (of course) a plate of Jamon Serrano, some Patatas Bravas (with cheese!), Mushroom croquettes, chorizo, bread with garlic dipping sauces, and a small Paella. It should be noted at this point that Brits pronounce the last dish as “Pi-Ela,” which causes no end of amusement for me and JT.
Other than that, not a whole lot else to report. I’m 35 pages from the end of “Freakonomics,” which I have enjoyed. I will say, however, that this book has shown me I am no longer a man of academic only tastes. Going forward, anytime I read something “intellectual,” I am going to ensure there’s some Fiction along for the ride as well (to keep me balanced).
Okay, that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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