And a good evening to you from across the Pond. VACATION TOMORROW!!!!!! We are SO EXCITED we simply CANNOT wait. Our flight is at 7:50 AM tomorrow on BA (British Airways), arriving in Munich at 10:55 AM. Reminder – NO BLOG FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS! But don’t worry, we’ll resume with a fury upon our return. We even got a great deal on a cab all the way there, so the vacation is starting off with a bang!
So today was a CRAZY day. Trying to get out of the office before vacation is almost impossible, so kudos to Ray Tavares (that’s right, Dinger – "Old School Cool") for taking on 99% of the work I left behind. Ray I would say I owe you a beer, but since you know I’m NEVER good for it, I’ll just say thanks instead and ask that Rev give you a Bombardier on my behalf next time you're over (and we need to hang with Knockout next go around).
I met Mark and Liz for two pints at the Cat and Canary (Honey Dew in a “manly glass” – (which I have now officially abandoned unless it’s in a bottle – sorry muffin) and Peroni – which I’m now an uber-big fan of) before
So let’s start with the "before" pick. Notice the stylish points in the hair (much like da debbil), the weaves, the curls, the waves, the straight lines – all in all, my head is the blueprint of Darwin’s map of evolution. Style beyond style, which is EXACTLY how all of you define Sam “The K is for tact” Taylor (Dings - that one was for you).
And now, the “after” shot: I mean, tell me my wife isn’t a surgeon. Personally, I’m just glad the clippers didn’t explode, but I am now officially a space monkey, ready to be shot into orbit. I feel ten pounds lighter. And for the record, Bob and Jan, your daughter is still the hottest w
oman in the UK, and your son-in-law has actually LOST 2 pounds since arriving!
However, the following differences between a UK clipper and a US clipper are:
1. There is no left ear/right ear in the UK. You have 8 speeds - that's it (Chuck, I got a #2 or a #4 Clipper guard, what do you want...ah, the memories).
2. Unlike the US, the blades on a guard here will impale you like a citizen of Tyre after Alexander the Great's invasion.
3. Whether it's plugged up or not, the thing runs on a battery. What that means is that, if you buy it 20 minutes before cutting, you will have to stop 47 times to let it recharge before continuing, EVEN IF IT'S PLUGGED INTO THE WALL.
So, the biggest news before departure: introducing…New Job Jenny (version 6.0 – batteries included)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was muffin’s last day in her current job, but eComm Team – you’ll be happy to know that she was VERY diligent and was still on line at 10:30 PM (Linda can verify - and she was not boracha!)!
When she returns from vacation, she’ll be part of the International E T & D Finance Team (sorry Tait – I don’t think there are many pink slips in her future, but I’ll tell her you said Daunte still sucks), working down in exotic and tropical Zone 5 Croydon.
Way to go, Territorial Muffin Puffin!!!
Okay, that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Sorry so short (and C-Web, sorry if you were bored again tonight), but we have packing to do and miles to go before we sleep before our 5 AM taxi tomorrow!!! Can someone say Costa Coffee?
Mark - safe flight home.
Liz - enjoy the QC -safe travels to you as well.
Sam and Jenny
Enjoy Bavaria!! Can't wait to see the pics..