And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. Today was Day 6 of Britain being a No Fly Zone, and I've received a lot of questions about what things look like ove
r here. Most of the questions revolve around how dark the skies look and how much ash can we actually see falling on the ground. Well, I'm here to tell you - IT'S GORGEOUS IN BRITAIN.
The last 6 days have been NOTHING BUT BLUE SKIES, 3 of which didn't have a single cloud overhead. We have been treated to some spectacular sunsets, but every day since the eruption has been BEAUTIFUL. I took a few photos today so that you guys could see how the skies currently look - just insane!
So the last 2 days have been great. I clocked 4 miles on Monday and lifted weights today, and JT did water aerobics last night and then swam 2K tonight. The foot felt great (knock on wood), so we'll log a 5K tomorrow at (hopefully) a slightly quicker pace and see how it goes.
On the "flank pain" front, I felt better today. I'm not sure if it's too much booze, crashing into something, or sitting too long in my chair at work, but I've definitely been stiff the last couple of days. Here's hoping that I'm all healed up come the weekend (if not sooner). It didn't hurt me at all running, so hopefully I'm on the mend.
Today was another evening of salads, cheese, and AFDs - 3 in a row! We'll make 4 tomorrow, but no promises about Thursday. After all - that is TRULY D-Day for us, as it's pay day in the UK and Ireland.
And speaking of milestones, who saw payslips viewable online today? THIS GUY! YEAH, BABY!!!!! A huge hurdle out of the way. Now all we have to do is pay folks correctly on Thursday...
Lastly (and a bit late), kudos to Pattie for winning both her games as a starting pitcher in last week's Greenville Tournament. Way to go, girl!
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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