And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. BIG NEWS - WE PAID PEOPLE TODAY!!!!!! Now I realize this is the point where most you say "What the hell is Sam talking about?" Allow me to explain...
I realize that most of the folks reading this (my family and, well, probably half the project team included) have NO IDEA what I do for a living. The good news is - mo
st of the time, neither do I. Seriously - my big job is putting in payrolls. We buy a company, and I have to make sure the new company and Bank of America get paid on the same payroll.
That has basically been my job for the last 16 months, and it was the reason they moved us over here. Today was truly D-Day, and I am happy to report that we paid cats in the UK and Ireland!!! Talk about a weight off my mind!
To celebrate, Muffin Puffin and I each had a Fat Tire! That's right - courtesy of AC and Jeebs, we've had the nectar of the gods sitting in our fridge for about 2 weeks in anticipation of this very moment. All I have to say is DAMN - I forgot how good that beer was. Nothing like a taste of home in the heart of the Commonwealth.
The rest of the day was uneventful. Muffin got a run in, and I lifted weights (GUN SHOW). We had takeout for dinner from (where else?) the Rajdoot, and we ended the meal with some Swiss Chocolate and a HoneyDew (Cyborg, Hitman, and all you other donkeys - NOT A WORD - THAT BEER HAS MERIT).
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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