And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. Okay, so first off -I know that I've been off the grid for a week. I am sure Tom Price summed up all of your feelings when he wrote me an untitled email yesterday that said only, "Footy Frenzy in Frankfurt is getting old." To the rest of my loyal readership, I offer a profound apology. To Tom Price I simply say, "Go shave your legs."
So, since plenty has transpired, I feel it best to divide the updates into segments. Therefore tonight's blog wil focus on last Wednesday and Thursday, each of which had an activity. And so, without further ado, the humble bard will attempt to reclaim favor in each of your eyes as he begins with catchup blog #1, filled with a new experience and the end of an era.
Wednesday was a good day, but the highlight came after work, as we got a chance to be part of, as Carolyn Jones would say, "A true London experience" - the Open Air Theatre at Regent's Park. Simply put - this w
as something that had been on our list for awhile, and so we were THRILLED to go. I am happy to report that it did NOT disappoint. In fact, it was AMAZING.
We showed up about 7:45, only to learn that we had seats on the FRONT ROW (because, like the Wild Card, that's how I roll). In truth, I wish we'd been a bit further from the stage, as our row was actually a wee bit below it. That being said, with the exception of the first 5 minutes, it was an AMAZING seat and allowed us to see just how talented these performers were.
We saw Arthur Mi
ller's "The Crucible," and it was simply FABULOUS. It was interesting to watch a show (our second) where EVERYONE performed with an American accent, but they did it FLAWLESSLY. The energy and pace of the show was brilliant (and necessary since it was 3 hours long), and it was SO COOL to watch the sun slowly set late in the day around the theater. In truth, it complemented the show well, as it took a dark turn in line with the sky fading to pitch black (simply BRILLIANT choreography). We walked out of there at 11 PM envigorated by the experience (partly because of the performance and partly because it was cold as HELL sitting there for 3 hours. That's right -it's JUNE in this country as well...), and we are DEFINITELY planning to go back. We got home just before midnight, at which point we PASSED OUT.
And as a side n
ote - the Roses are finally in bloom!!!! After months of waiting (and no, I'm not gay), the roses are in full bloom and BEAUTIFUL! Check out Muffin Puffin taking time to stop and smell the roses...literally.
Thursday was another great day, and we rolled over to the Cat & Canary for pints (which was good) and a farewell (which was sad). That's right, ladies and gentlemen - after 3 years of keeping Comp & Bens in the good graces of the church, brother Mike Branca is repatriating back to Charlotte. Knowing it will be (at least) 6 months before we see him again, Owain, Muffin, Lord, Mike, and I went out for pints at the Music Factory to celebrate all the good times. After (more than enough) pints at the C & C, we rol
led over to Srinam for a farewell curry, and it was guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud (peppy cheekies).
Now's a good time to tell you that I'm starting a new metric - it's called the "Today Sam was called fat metric." Since I've had about 10 people tell me that I'm a first cousin to Porky Pig in the last week, I've decided to test the metric and see if it increases as I get fatter and fatter. It almost feels like a cross between a middle school science project and the movie "Super Size Me." I'm not fat - I'm big boned! And to quote Mirza - "Tanned fat is muscle!!!"
Mike - best of luck, brother. I hope that the Queen City treats you and your family well. Enjoy the new addition to the home (woof, woof)!
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow for Catch-up Blog #2!
Sam and Jenny
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