And a GREAT evening to you from across the Pond. We're home! Now, first off - you'll get Rome in 2 parts, the first coming tomorrow and the second installment coming on Thursday. For tonight, however, I'll just settle back into the routine by giving you the recap of today's festivities.
First off, I must recognize my arch nemisis and perpetual rival, Brian James "Boudreaux" Freidinger, for his masterful execution of keeping me off guard and believing against all odds that I actually had a 12th follower (after the Vatican, henceforth known as the "Twelve Apostles"). It seems as though Mr. Freidinger, not Brother Markham, is the culprit behind the constantly shifting photos on the right navigation. Well played, Shaker, but don't get cocky - you think I'll rest? You think you're safe sipping pints of bad beer at the First Street Draught House? Just keep telling yourself that - see what happens...
As for today, the work day was GREAT, but very different. For starters, MY ENTIRE TEAM HAS ROLLED OFF. Yes, all the cats who have made me look competent for the last year are now gone, and I don't even have GC Robinson to protect me. Price - you think my beer gut and accent can sustain me for another 7 months? If not, ask around and see if you know anyone with tips on negotiating a severance package...
The funniest moment of the day was the arrival at my cube, which had been VANDALIZED BY TWO NOT-TO-BE-NAMED FEMALE ACCENTURE CONSULTANTS, ONE FROM SOUTH AFRICA AND ONE FROM AUSTRALIA. I mean, I don't know that for sure, but check out these photos showing the atrocities committed, including:
1. Renaming my cube to the "Workhaus of Gaga," complete with a Lady GaGa photo that will keep me in therapy for a decade (ra-
2. A tribute to Cheryl Cole (weak, limp, lifeless...but SO worth it)
3. Photos of me at my whitest that blinded me and convinced me I could double for Casper the Ghost if they ever make another movie
4. A naaaaaaasty little trick involving plastic over my headset so that NO ONE COULD HEAR ME. Grimshaw - your might want to evac those fancy little pictures. Just saying...
After work I got a run in, logging a 5K at a JUST UNDER 9 minute pace. You'd think that, with all the pasta I consumed last week, I'd have turned in a 4:30 pace, but it was just not to be (I'm a distance runner, after all - I was just warming up. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...).

I got home to find out that THE TACY CLAN HAD ARRIVED!!!! We met up with Bob & Jan and rolled over to a new pub - the Tower Tavern (in the shadow of the gi-NORMOUS BT Tower), where I had two pints of Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem!!!! This beer is great, and I hadn't had it since Nottingham in 2007. It's famous because it's the beer that Crusaders leaving from North England had a final pint of before making the trip to the Holy Land (it's the same recipe for the last 1,000 years - NO JOKE). We actually hit the original bar (still open) back in 2007, so it was a treat! Plus, this place did a GREAT "Inferno" burger (medium rare!), so we will DEFINITELY be back there.
We're now back at the flat, and it's time to hit the sack before tomorrow.
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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