And a good evening to you from across the Pond afte
r another GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. For Team Taylor - IT'S THE WEEKEND!!!! That's right - Team Taylor is set for a long weekend!
Okay, so first off, I have decided that I really might be related to the Sam Taylor running a BBQ joint in Denver. Consider the coincidences (courtesy of VA - check her comments from last night):
1. His wife is ALSO named Jennifer!
2. They ALSO use the phrase Team Taylor to describe themselves.
3. He likes beer. Okay, that doesn't really narrow it down.
4. We really do look a lot alike - except I think he's right handed.
So today was another great day at work. We rolled through the workday with a flurry of meetings, and I was quite pleased with the productivity. For the record - Hitman did accost me and call me a sellout for backing Byron Burgers, but I hold fast to my opinion - IT IS TOP QUALITY! And when's the last time you had A & W at Frankies, hmmmm? Just sayin'...
The workout was good - I looked 20km on the bike (35 min and change) and then logged 3km on the treadmill (16 minutes and change - no foot pain!). All in all, it was good. However, I feel I can say that the cats who work at the gym were happy to see me go, as I've been in the same workout clothes 4 days strai
ght, and they REEK (Price - I rocked Livestrong - don't hate me).
I left work about 6:45 and met Puffin and our guests at the flat - Staci and Steve!!!! Staci rolled in this morning, and Steve joined her in the AM at Gatwick. These guys are friends of ours from the Queen City, and they are our guests for the next 3 days, including the pilgrimmage to the Mecca of all things Holy tomorrow (but you'll have to wait for that).
Steve just finished a CRAZY tour of Wales and Ireland, and now they are here for a few days before bouncing over to Paris for 2 days next week. We've got 3 days of immortality in front of us!!! Price and Old School - I should warn you - Staci is a (I know, I know...) @#$#ing YANKEES FAN. I know - but Jenny insisted she be allowed to sleep indoors. I'm sorry - I'll see what I can do about getting her to the balcony before it's all said and done. Price - I don't know why I'm apologizing to you - you shave your legs. How big a baseball fan can you really be?
We met at the flat and chatted for a bit before hopping over to the Mason's Arms, which was RAGIN'!!! Seriously - it was THE BUSIEST I'd ever seen it. All the same, we had some good Thai grub and managed a Deuchar's and a Heine (SO FRESH) before rolling back to the flat.
And now it's time to call it a night, as we've got a BIG DAY tomorrow! BRING IT ON!!!
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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