And a good evening to you from across the Pond after...well, actually, a pretty good day in the Mother Country. I can hear the gasps and the shock & awe now - not a GREAT day? Well, no, but hey - if it's the worst day I have in 2010, then I am NOT complaining.
The work day was actually pretty good - steadily busy, some good meetings, and we knocked some stuff off. Lunch was good, as there were CHUNKS of halloumi cheese on the salad bar. Consequently, I had about 640 of them. The workout was great as well, as I tallied 20km on the bike in 36 minutes (at a higher gear today - LOVE biking after 2 days off) and 3 on the treadmill. The foot felt good, so that's promising sign and more evidence that I need to be smart about the "Sammy circuits."
The pain for the day, however, started whilst standing outside of a Lebanese restaurant beside the Sheraton Park Tower. This place has been on my "must eat" list since 2006, and I was THRILLED to be meeting Stacey, Tripp, K-Wall, and Perfect Pumpkin there for dinner. It was at that point, however, that my BlackBerry exploded with a "non-work" emergency in Charlotte that required my attention. For several reasons, I will say no more on the topic, except to say that I had to skip dinner with the gang and go home to handle the situation.
Breathing a sigh of relief, the good news was that the situation is now resolved and life is good again. The better ne
ws was that they actually came home via Marylebone High Street so that I could have a final beer with them. Consequently, I tipped my cap to Old School Cool and had a Sagres, thereby killing any chance of an AFD (but loving every sip of that liquid gold).
And so now, with the stress gone for the day and the bed calling, I will bid you all adieu. Here's hoping tomorrow brings SUBSTANTIALLY less stress and that the workout and the evening are peaceful.
Stacey and Tripp - it was SO GREAT seeing you guys - can't wait for the Fat Tire reunion in Charlotte! Have a safe flight, and we'll chat soon!
K-Wall - you. The Taylors. More Americans. 450 ales. Early day off work. It's happening...
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
It was great to see you and Jenny too, not once but twice during our visit. We had a wonderful trip.