And a good evening to you from across the globe after another GREAT DAY in the Lion City.
Okay, so first off - ANNOUNCEMENT: there will be NO
BLOG until Tuesday, 12 July. Why, you ask? Because Team Taylor is off to win basquillions of dollars in...wait for it...wait for it...MACAU, BABY!!!! Hitman, Wildcard - we are going to ROCK IT OLD SCHOOL - fret not.
Okay, so first off - ANNOUNCEMENT: there will be NO
Family, today is a simply AMAZING day, as it's the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of our marriage. Honestly, I just can't believe how quick it's gone, and I certainly can't believe how amazing the last half decade has been. Team Taylor celebrated at Robertson Quay, where we dined at an AMAZING French restaurant (with an impossible name) and had a simply DELICIOUS steak dinner (with free flow fries, baby!). My belly looks like something out of a Discovery Channel documentary on blue wales, but hey - I'm not complaining.
5 years ago this time (forgetting time zones, of course) Team Taylor had been married all of 6 hours, was dancing the night away at the Charlotte History Museum, Sammy the Bull had just finished singing "Gummi Bears" with THV blowing it out in the background, KJ and Dad had just delivered two AMAZING toasts. At this time we were dancing the night away with Dean and Dom, Sara, Steve, John, Rice, and a host of other crazy campers. It was the moment that we had all of our friends and family under 1 roof, with our DJ blasting "At Last" so I could try and apologize to Tom for calling it "the worst song EVER" (since it was his first dance song with Mandy - T-rowe, I'm still sorry about that one, brother - if it's any consolation, I like it a lot more now...). Everyone told us to try and remember that day, as it would be a total blur. And whilst I remember SO MUCH of it, it is amazing how quickly it flashed before our eyes.
When I think back on greatest weekends of my life, that is, without a doubt, the best one EVER. From the Barbeque at Casa de Taylor to the golfing outing ("GREEN LIGHT, BENNY!"), to me getting off track during the singing of Howie Day's "Collide" (and T-Row saving me with his guitar magic) to the bartender making a toast at the rehearsal dinner, to an ice sculpture done by someone that mom saw on Oprah, to Dennie Humphries giving us a Communion chalice made from Lake Junaluska mud, to Tom and Mandy bringing half eating pita bread for communion because I'd forgotten to pick any up, to dad not being able to find his socks because they were tucked in his ass, to Rice telling CP to "be a man and drink a beer," to singing "Rocky Top" with everyone, to singing the UNC alma mater with the alums, to finally being back in the honeymoon suite with my wife, it was just PERFECT. Truth be told, I got teary-eyed twice just typing this.
On the morning of July 9, after the farewell breakfast at the wedding, my stepfather handed me a card that I've remembered every single day of my married life and wish to every single friend we have who gets married: "May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future." Call me the luckiest man on the planet, but that is EXACTLY how the last 5 years have gone.
Jenny Elaine Tacy Taylor - I love you with ALL MY HEART. I am, without a doubt, the luckiest man on the face of the earth, and I simply cannot believe I'm the guy who gets to wake up beside you every morning.
And lastly, to Granddaddy Taylor, perhaps not using a broadband connection Upstairs but I'm sure reading this all the same: in the wedding video you gave us 1 piece of advice: "Be good to one another." And whilst I'm by no means the man you were (and never will be), I promise you I've tried every day to do just what you told me." And if, after 63 years of marriage, Jenny and I are still as in love as you guys were (and still are), then I will truly have been blessed beyond measure. And considering that my cup already runneth over (as H once told me), that is saying a lot.
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat Tuesday!
A truly blessed and truly happy Sam and Jenny
You did too much mixing of beer with wine tonight before this post. Liquor before beer, you are in the clear. Repeat it.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, congrats to you guys. Even though there are just too many nicknames among the two of you, I think it woorks for you. :-)