- Stop for dinner at 10pm for 45 min (we'd already eaten because we didn't know we were going to stop)
- Get to the ferry terminal around midnight only to wait around for 1.5 hrs until 1:30am, at which point we could then sail to Pulau Aur because the tides were optimal
- 4 hour ferry ride with nothing resembling a bed. Although we made do: Sarah ended up sprawled across a huge cooler and I was curled up on a seat indoors with terrible diesel fumes
- Arrive at 5:45am, get our key to our room on the very top of the hill, asleep at 6:15am
- Alarm at 8:15am to start the day with breakfast and 1st dive at 9am (3 dives today)
- On Sunday, up at 8am for 2 dives and then off by noon
- Back to Singapore at 9pm
So needless to say this was not a restful weekend. The diving was good not great and some of the areas were pretty much coral rubble. But we did see some really cool aquatic life, the best being the bumphead parrotfish, turtles, a stingray and baby yellow boxfish.
The best story of the trip came in the 1.5 hrs we were waiting on Fri night for the ferry to go, almost sick with exhaustion. This loud South African, let's call her Opinionated Dive Girl (ODG) was one of those that couldn't let anyone say anything without disagreeing somehow and explaining why her opinion was the correct one. So Sarah and I are chatting with her and another girl we just met, when the topic somehow gets onto feminine products. Well, ODG knowing best, tells us she has recently switched to a reusable cup. I immediately thought, oh my gosh, I'm wit
So that is Pulau Aur in a nutshell. For all you divers out there, don't go out of your way to get to this one. Glad I did it but thankful I don't have another one of those booked!
- Jenny and drinking a green beer at Red Dot Sam
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