And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another fabulous (yet rainy!) day in the Smoke. First off, whilst I realize that I’m now bound by a covenant of silence to not reveal last names of co-workers, I would like to thank a certain Transition Executive nicknamed “The Hitman” for offering up his cell phone whilst he’s not in the UK. Today, for the first time EVER on this assignment, I was actually able to call my wife and make dinner plans. Who knew technology could be so helpful? But for the record, Ray, this doesn’t for a single second change my motto: “Back to Paper, baby.” That’s all I’m sayin’…
So, after 3 straight days of salad for lunch and dinner, JT and I decided
So this place is great: you walk in, and you’re instantly given a card (Roger & Merritt – this is EXACTLY like Rich Tree Market, except your meal doesn’t cost you 14,000…Canadian, of course). Then you walk up to the different food stands, select your entrĂ©e, get a buzzer, and then go find a seat. We selected two Pizzas: Raclette and Diavolo, both of which were uber-tasty. Throw in a bottle of wine, and you’ve got a recipe for success.
Also, other key points:
1. Today broke t
2. I logged another 5K today – slight foot pain, but it stopped hurting as I sped up. If that’s not motivation to get in shape and run faster, I don’t know what is.
3. I still think the Polka Dot jersey in the Tour de France is a RIDICULOUS IDEA.
For the record – today was the third straight day of miserable weather, with the umbrella out wherever you go. And whilst I equate it to Hurricane Andrew, Brother Morgan today said, “Yeah, it’s not too bad out there today – in fact, it’s getting much brighter.” It seems I have a lot to learn about perspective…especially since I wore a TOBOGGAN to dinner tonight (aka ski hat, beanie, or took for you Northerners/Foreigners). At least I was sporting my football colors – GO HAMMERS, BABY!!!
Okay, that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
P.S. VA – GREAT news – can’t wait to see you!!!
P.P.S. Marriott - thanks so much for the card - SO SWEET! You guys have a GREAT time in the Smoke - I HATE we'll miss you!!!
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