And a good evening to you from across the Pond after a GREAT DAY in London. Today, we experienced one of the great traditions of England – gettin’ hammered at a pub whilst watching footy. Talk about a good time!
We started with a GREAT nutella and peanut butter sandwich for brekkie (at least 12,000 calories a slice) before heading down to Leicester Square to meet Lord G (that would be Mark Goodyer). However, after walking around for 35 minutes and asking EIGHT BARS if they were carrying the Liverpool (you’ll never walk – or stand, in Jenny’s case – alone) vs. Man United match, we called Mark to report that we were ou
We ended up at the Slug and Lettuce, where we had to stalk these people for an hour before finally getting a table. However, once we did, we had some great food (Chorizo and Red Pepper flatbread for me, chicken wrap for Jenny) to accompany our SIX PINTS. It was a great time, and we finally got to see Fizzy Lizzie again! And yes, ladies and gentlemen, she still has that boom-boom-pow…
We watched Liverpool pull off a 1-0 win, and then we stuck around to see my team, West Ham (GO HAMMERS, BABY!!!!) pull out a 2-2 draw with Arsenal. Given that Arsenal is in 3rd and West Ham is in 19th (out of 20 teams), I am treating it as a victory.
We walked home, at which point Jenny’s new shoes were giving h
Once home, we called Kim and then later Rice, where we saw our Goddaughter’s room! How crazy is that! Guys – looks like you’re all set. However, I was upset by the fact that there was no a) power T over the crib, b) Miller Lite keg in the corner (Rice – you’ll need it when you’re up late with her), and c) Rusty Wallace Shrine as you enter her room.
Now we’re about to call it a night. After all, it IS 9:40 PM. Yes, yes – we are some wild and crazy people.
That’s all the news that’s fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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