And a good evening to you from across the Pond after a GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. First and foremost, I need to wish a Happy (belated by 1 day) birthday to the Ad-man - Happy Birthday, brother! Here's hoping it was a great one.
Second - work was fantastic today - another productive day of moving the dial, promoting synergy, and experiencing all that is right and good with change managment. All in all, no complaints.
Third - it's still getting darker, but at least it's remained dry - as long as we keep that trend alive, I'll be a happy camper.
Fourth - my new i-Pod headphones rock the party that rocks the pinata. They actually a) stay in my ears, and b) have fantastic sound quality. Arguably the best 7 quid I've ever spent.
So I lifted weights tonight, and Jenny ran a 5K (Chisel was canceled - looks like I'll live another day). Upon coming home, my wife whipped up a FANTASTIC meal, and now, post pizza, salad, hummous, and carrots, I am fat and happy. However, I did need to feast one one last item, and THAT is the feature of tonight's blog.
So you will all remember Lynda Grimshaw, our South African friend who works with me. In her effort to make me a more well-rounded culinary individual, Lynda likes to bring in food or me to try from time to time. Now, granted, 99% of her selections usually result in me gaining ten pounds on the spot, such as:
1. The Yum-Yum (labeled as an "American style" donut). This thing doesn't look like any donut I've ever seen - it's a stick that looks more like a Little Debbie Dunkin' Log. The only thing American about it would be that it's covered in butter, oil, and lard.
2. Krispy Kremes. They might have died out in Charlotte, but they are ALIVE AND WELL (and expensive) here. Lynda "forced" a glazed one down my gullet today, in fact. My eyes were glazed about twenty seconds later.
3. Bovril - I am now convinced this is the preferred snack of Satan. I've given it two dances, and I've now concluded it's pure evil and not of this earth.
Tonight, however, we found a DEFINITE WINNER. On Tuesday, Lynda brought me the prized snack of South Africa - the Dowoers Spiced Beef Stick. This thing, apparently on sale at every sporting event and street corner in RSA, makes Slim Jim l
ook...well, slim - let's just say Randy "The Macho Man" Savage couldn't hang with this...
Dude - I ate half the thing tonight. I couldn't stop - it was guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud. Thanks, Lynda!
Last thing to note - finally, after searching high and low - I GOT MY HAMMERS JERSEY!!!! West Ham forever,baby! Mike Chamberlain - I know you have to be proud.
Okay - that's all the news that's fit to print. Tomorrow starts the birthday weekend - LOOK OUT LONDON! Bring on the Peri-Peri chicken! Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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