And a good evening to you from across the Pond after a BALLS OUT day (in the midst of a BALLS OUT week) in the Mother Country. First off - this is a warning to all of you show-stopping defects and Production issues. THE GHR TRANSITION TEAM WILL NOT BE DEFEATED. Do yourself a favor - just let the interfaces run and the elements show on payslips as expected. We will beat you - just accept our superiority in numbers, our knowledge of indicative data, our communication strategy, and move on (I realize that, if you don't work for Bank of America, right about now you're probably wondering WHAT THE HELL I'm talking about. Sorry - it's been a tough week, and I need to show our Oracle system that I'm a no nonsense type of guy).
So today was a GREAT (if busy) day in the Mother Country. Yes, work was a blur of activity. Yes, I was back in the gym lifting weights, listening to some dude who looks like a linebacker for the Ravens (except he wasn't holding a weapon and committing a crime, so he couldn't actually play for their defense - Big Cat - that was for you) BLASTING his i-Pod through the fitness room speakers (I guess actually listening to your music THROUGH YOUR HEADPHONES would just be too much to ask). I'm not complaining, however, as it showed me how TRULY bad UK rap music is. Seriously - you have to wonder about some dude who is DIESEL but openly blasts a song with the following lyrics (these are accurate - I know, because, well, THEY WERE BLASTED AT 140 DECIBELS):
I'm a thief, I pick your pocket then I jump on the train...
I hop the train in Wembley then I walk down the lane...
Go back down the lane and then up on the train...
Put the money back in yo' pocket cause I'm a klepto insane...
PLEASE tell me that song didn't win a grammy. Then again, it's still a hell of a lot better than "The Climb."
Dinner tonight was GREAT. Not only did I end my my streak of AFD's (made it all the way to 3!) with some Cobra, but I also had some GREAT Indian from our local take-out spot - the Ranjoot. Actually, I must confess that I've been lying to you guys. It's actually called "The Rajdoot," and apparently it's the
As I'm now on my 4th brewski (Innis & Gunn rum cask ale - 7.1%), it's probably time for me to sign off. No complaints, however - it's been a GREAT (if short) night.
However, before I sign off, I must give a HEARTY WELCOME to Jon and Michele Brisson (and Redley) - welcome to the blog, guys!
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
I am so happy I made the blog (twice including the hokie shoutout before the beatdown of the SEC) can indeed get a neuf, neuf...