And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT day in the mother country. For starters, we woke up to a BEAUTIFUL SNOW TODAY!!!! I stepped
out of the house around 7 this morning to find a gorgeous snowfall in progress. In fact, I was one of the first folks to walk the streets, as the sidewalks were pristine before me.
The snow continued almost all day at work, resulting in near white-out conditions at one point. Two of my colleagues actually wrecked due to the roads, and it took another 4.5 hours to get into the office! That being said, it was another GREAT, uber-productive day, and everyone is still safe to boot!
Also, after a month off, Sammy (aka "Little Arnold" - CP, that one's for you) returned to the gym today. Rocking his stylish boot, a pit stained t-shirt, and some skimpy ass shorts, I rolled into the Canary Wharf gym to resum
e my Mr. Universe training. Oddly enough, even though the weights have the same numbers on them as December, they feel infinitely heavier. As you can tell, it was a ROUGH return to the saddle.
The evening was GREAT. Jenny and I went to Liverpool Street, where we met an old friend, Jason Beeraje, for drinks at a place called Dirty Dick's (Dad - you remember this place? We ate here), where I tried Young's Winter Warmer, a new beer for me (JT stuck with Leffe).
This was the first time we'd seen Jason in over 18 months, and it was SO GREAT catching up. We met whilst traveling in Egypt, and I'm happy to report that, in 8 weeks time, he's going to...wait for it...wait for it...VEGAS, BABY!!!!!! Dude, I am SO excited for you. You BETTER make the Sportsman casino in 2 weeks!
We had a pint before rolling to Brick Lane (little India), where we hit up Bengal Village (Carter Clan - I know that you're proud). There I had my first Cobra in a MONTH (no AFD today, but we did have AFD's on Tues and Wed), as well as a GREAT lamb vindaloo. JB - it was GREAT catching up, buddy! I look forward to doing it again in 2 weeks (at the craps table).
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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