And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. Let me tell you - the last 36 hours have been BOOOOOOOOOMB Diggity.
After leaving you on Sunday, I had a GREAT chat with Mom, and we planned out her time in the UK and Europe. Mom - I'm SO GLAD you got tickets for those prices! We'll get you all set up for the rest of the trip - it will be AMAZING!
After that, I finished "The Children of Men" by P.D. James. Dean, AC, and anyone else who values my literary opinion - AVOID P.D. JAMES. I've given her two chances, and she's let me down twice. I am NOT reading another novel from her EVER. "The Children of Men" was particularly disappointing given all the promise, and some sins are unforgivable. Oh well - next up: "The Alienist" by Caleb Carr.
The evening w
as FANTASTIC. We rolled over to Fizzy's, where she had QUITE the spread of booze. An hour later, we were eating a Demario's pizza (Di's favorite) and hanging out at Liz's, where we caught both the AFC (PEYTON!!!!) and NFC championship games. Granted, it made for a long night, but it was a BLAST. We had lots of great laughs, Grimshaw rolled over with the Droewars (See Lynda, I ca
n spell it, damn it!), which I was eventually dipping in Velveeta cheese (Liz - that dip was OFF THE CHAIN). 
I ended up passing out during Overtime (but I did see the final kick to win), and I ended up sleeping on the couch until just after 4 AM. 4 hours later, I was up, cup of coffee in hand (thanks Liz), ironing my clothes (insert cheap and hurtful jokes here - DUCKHEAD RULES, BABY!!!) and getting ready to kick off the January Integration Session. That's right - members of the GHR Transition Fellowship - UNITE!
It was another busy day, but the reward at the end was MONEY. JT and I led the gang into Chinatown, where we revisited the spot JT and I hit on Saturday night. The results were even more spectacular, including TWO crispy ducks. Shogun - without you there, the ordering was left to me, but I felt I delivered. Throw in some Tiger beer, 9 mains, plenty of rice, and Liz rockin' out to Boom-Boom-Pow, and you've got a recipe for success.
The most classic moment was when the bill came for the Hitman. Here's a synopsis of the conversation:
Hitman: "This receipt isn't very detailed."
Chinese server with spiked hair (CSWSH): "Yes, that's because it's written in Chinese."
Hitman: "Yep - got that part. For example - what does this little symbol here mean?"
CSWSH: "That is beer."
Hitman: "And this little symbol?"
SCWSH: "That is chicken."
Hitman: "All the chicken or a certain kind of chicken?"
Hitman: "Which little symbol is gratuity?"
SCWSH: "It's not in there?"
Hitman: "Really? None of these little symbols are gratuity?"
SCWSH: SILENCE AGAIN (insert Table cackling here)
However, the host was good enough to re-write the ENTIRE BILL in English, which was nice.
The only other surprise w
as walking out to some married Scottish couple looking to pick up some members of our crew to make a scene from "Eyes Wide Shut." All in all, talking to those cats (the PYSCHO WIFE IS IN THE PHOTO), was an odd experience, and I was glad to run away from them. To quote VA: "SKETCH."
Now it's off to bed - back into the gym tomorrow! I hope...
That's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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