And a good evening to you from across the Pond after a short (but FANTASTIC) day. Talk about a great one!
So, first and foremost – puffin and I needed sleep. Consequently, when that alarm went off at 10 AM (after a scant 10.5 hours of sleep), we promptly shut it down, rolled over, and went back to bed until 12:30. However, after 13 hours of sleep, I’m happy to report that we felt fit as fiddles and ready for action.
We got out and about around 3 PM (after some coffee and checking email), where we headed to Piccadilly Circus
Okay, some back story here: this is the world’s LONGEST RUNNING PLAY, now in it’s 57th year. In fact, we saw show #23,674. Can you believe that? It’s a murder mystery, and it was QUITE entertaining. And at the end, the cast actually requests that the audience “keep the secret in their hearts” and not divulge the killer.
We really enjoyed it, but we enjoyed Act 2 better than Act 1, sim
ply because we moved to different seats to get away from the dude in front of us whose head was, to quote Mike Myers, "like a pumpkin on a toothpick." We spent the whole first act looking around his cranium to see.
After the show, we met Matt (the King Donkey) and Mark (the Eagle Scout) for pints at the Porterhouse (Dean – you know you’re jealous!). We had a Porterhouse Red and an Hersbrucker Pilsner (look what Germany has done to us), along with some GREAT food. I LOVE that place.
After that, we strolled
Come to find out, the World Series of Poker – Europe was underway. This is one of the early play-in rounds, but it was still cool to watch all the players in action, see all the chips, and watch folks playing under the lights.
On the way out, I noticed that the feature table was in the center of the casino, and
I told Jenny and Matt that I just wanted to see if anyone famous was playing. Come to find out – Chris “Jesus” Ferguson was at the feature table! We were about 3 feet from him (as you can tell by the photo - he's the guy in the black hat who, well, looks like Jesus), and we watched 8 or so hands. He only played once, and he took the pot (whilst the dude who folded tried to goad Jesus into admitting that he’d bluffed). When we left, his chip stack was about 4 THOUSAND TIMES HIGHER THAN EVERYONE ELSE’S.
The walk home took us back through Piccadilly Circus, where there was a break-dancing troop showing off their moves. It was pretty cool – I felt like I was on the set of “So You Think You Can Dance.”
Now we’re back at home, and it’s time to PASS OUT. I realize I’ve only been awake about 10.5 hours, but Spain left this guy pretty shattered, and with the Americans coming over tonight, I better have my game face on for tomorrow.
Okay – that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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