And a good evening to you from across the Pond – what a FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!! So today we rolled out of bed around 11 (I am happy to report that I FINALLY believe we’re caught up on sleep – just in time for the arrival of the colonists and an integration week…), got cleaned up, and made our wa
Our destination today was to the city of Berkhamsted, home to one of the best folks I’ve ever worked with, her husband, and arguably the cutest baby in the whole of the United Kingdom – I’m speaking, of course, of the Martin family – Debbie, Nick, and little Estella.
What a great visit – I haven’t seen them in over a year (since leaving drinks at the Harp in April of 2008), and it was REALLY great catching up. They have a fantastic place with a great garden and lovely hardwood floors – SO CUTE.
The day got even better when Nick whipped out bottles of…wait for it…wait for it…TIMOTHY TAYLOR LANDLORD ALE, BABY!!!!! That’s right – how could the day get any better?
I'll save you the suspense - it got WAY better when the main course came out – Roast Pork (complete with the rind) with parsnips and cabbage. Dude – this was a life changing meal. We are talking “Roast” with the Carter Clan good – I am still all smiles. Oh, and did I mention the double cream dessert we had (it's what they're toasting in the photo). Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll serve that in Heaven...
After that we walked along the canal for a bit, stopping by a swing set to give Estella a little outdoor time. After that, we said bye to the Martin’s and hopped back on the train, and we’re now settle
Okay, that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Chat tomorrow – BRING ON THE INTEGRATION SESSION!!!!!!
(A very well rested) Sam and Jenny
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