And a good evening to you from across the pond after another GREAT day in London! Today we officially wrapped another integration week – our report out today went GREAT. I am so proud of this gang and what we’ve accomplished. We’re definitely a long way from home, but we’ve certainly turned the dial quite a bit.
The day ended at 7:30, at which point we rolled to an old familiar, “The Bear and Staff,” where I had 3 pints of my fave – Timothy Taylor. After Muffin Puffin showed up, we rolled over to Chinatown, hell bent on hitting one of our two favorite Chinese restaurants. We selected Golden Dynasty, only to find out that it had recently closed and been replaced by a Malaysian joint (the name was Koom Ran or something like that). Before trying out the Malaysian joint, we popped into Fung Sheng (the OTHER fave Chinese joint) to see if any of our peeps had arrived for dinner. True to form, brother Tavares was holding court with some of our gang.
So we bid the Malaysian joint farewell and went into Fung Sheng, where Brother Riegel (aka the Shogun) again
After that, it was the walk home, and it’s now time to pass out (since it’s 1 in the morning). Hitman, Shogun, and Don Quixote – enjoy Oktoberfest! Catch you cats next week when I’m in the Queen City!
Okay, that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
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