And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. As I sit here rockin' out to "I Gotta Feelin'" by Bl
ack Eyed Peas (Liz and Shantan - that's for you), I am UBER Happy that tonight is NOT a catch-up blog. FINALLY - we are back in real time ("24" style).
So today was an AWESOME DAY in Canary Wharf. I must confess that, for the last couple of weeks, I've been feeling a bit lost in space at work, as the move to the new project has left me scrambling to get back in the swing of "project set-up." I pride myself as a decent project manager, but there is a moment early in every project when I find myself saying "What in the HELL have I gotten myself into?", and the last few weeks have been just that for my new chunk of work.
That being said, today I turned a corner and truly felt like I got my arms around what we were trying to tackle and, dare I say it, felt for the first time that we could absolutely pull this off (Hitman and Big Cat - feel free to disregard the above 2 paragraphs - we are GREEN, BABY, GREEN). And now, knowing what we need to roll through and having a vision for how we just might do it, I feel INFINITELY better.
At the end of the day (after a bloody BRILLIANT discussion on data harmonization), we rolled over to the Music Factory for a moment I thought would never come - leaving drinks for Lord G. That's right, ladies and gentlemen - after a year down in the Smoke, Brother Mark is heading back to the Great White North to take a new roll in Chester. The bad news is that he's no longer part of the Transition family. The good new
s is that I'll see him in 2 weeks back in London and then later in August for the Chester Races. You read it correctly, folks - the Taylors find places to gamble in EVERY country.
We had a few pints with Mark and Lisa before the man of the hour went off to pack. JT and I then rolled over to Baker Street, where we had yet another FAAAAAAAABULOOOOOOUS curry at the Raj (Vindaloo and Ceylon, of course). It was a perfect night, so the table outside was simply perfect.
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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