And a good Saturday morning to you from across the Pond after another GREAT FRIDAY in the Mother Country
. IT'S THE WEEKEND!!!!! And as I sit here, coffee brewing courtesy of Muffin Puffin, looking out over our balcony onto another GORGEOUS, sunny London day, "I gotta feelin' that tonight's gonna be a good good night..."
So Friday was good - we cleared our Define Tollgate, baby!!!! Viva AOC in the realm of Six Sigma! Acually, kudos to the X-factor for explaining what all those graphs and charts mean, but I digress...
I got a 10K in yesterday, averaging 8 minutes a mile and turning in a negative split! It felt SO good, especially on the way back. I was a little tired on the way out, but it was all good, as I got a chance (FINALLY) to see one of the docklands bridges open up for the lock system. Additionally, when I arrived at St. Katherine's dock (the turnaround point right in front of the Tower Bridge), there were all these SWEET yachts docked - it was FAAAAAAAAANTASTIC.
However, I simply must pause here and announce that I have found the new official "WORST SONG EVER." Now I'm hoping that KJ doesn't break my heart again and tell me that this is actually an American tune that's been out for MONTHS, but all the same, I must blow the whistle on this one. And whilst I don't actually know the title of the song, here are the lyrics (hide the children):
"Do I look like a slut?"
(Pause for a strange number of beats)
"Shut up."
Oh, sorry - were you expecting more? ME TOO! But no, don't even think about it, because THOSE ARE ALL THE WORDS TO THE SIX MINUTE SONG! How do I know it's 6 minutes? Because, upon hearing it for the 3rd day in a row, I actually timed it the last time. UTTER DONKEY TRASH. That is ALL she says for 6 minutes, except for the very end, when, in an effort to be clever, she adds:
"Is it the way I move my butt?"
"Is it the way my dress is cut?"
"Shut up."
Other than that, things were good. Puffin was in the Wharf, so we got a pint at the Music Factory before rolling over to La Tasca across the bridge. On the way, we saw this cool World Cup art painted on the sidewalk. Check out the photo - makes it appear 3 dimensional!
Dinner was AWESOME. JT and took down ELEVEN tapas and a bottle of wine, LOVING the fact that we got 50% off! JT's brilliance saved us ~$40 - Full marks, pumpkin!
After dinner we came home and h
ung out for a bit, blasting Bon Jovi (much to the delight of our Russian neighbors, I'm sure) and even some of the Wicked Soundtrack before calling it a night. And now, after 12 WONDERFUL hours of sleep, we're preparing for another GREAT Saturday in London. Two activities on the docket, but you'll have to wait and read about those in the next posting.
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Sam and Jenny
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