And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT
DAY in the Mother Country. Man, the time is flying! However, as we continue in the quest to "make it count," we definitely scored another victory this evening. But I get ahead of myself...
The work day was good, and I did manage to get a workout in. I pulled another brick, going slightly longer (and faster) on the bike and logging another 15 minutes on the treadmill (but managed to eek out another .25km in that same amount of time). I'm really enjoying the cross-training, and my foot has felt GREAT. Maybe it's because there's not as much of me pounding the pavement these days.
Secondly, I finished a new book! "The 5 Greatest Warriors" is now history - 451 pages gone in only 3 days time. Dean - This book was AWESOME. Thanks so much, man! And best of all - we haven't heard the last of Jack West, Jr. In fact - we've got four more books to go...WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!!!
The highlight of the night, however, was the return to the Open Air Theater for the second show of the season - Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors." We were worried throughout the day, as it POURED at one point. In fact, on the walk home, I heard THUNDER for the FIRST TIME IN MY YEAR OF LIVING HERE!!! I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that the ONE TIME I hear what sounds like a hurricane coming is one of the ONLY TWO DAYS that I have a planned outdoor e
vent with NO cover. That being said, the weather held and actually was PERFECT (even if a bit chilly - we ended the night in 4 layers!).
The show was GREAT - I hadn't seen Shakespeare in a while, and this was Jenny's first. Granted, I'd forgotten that it took about 10 minutes to realize the language they were speaking was, in fact, English, and so for the first scene all I could think was "Um, what the HELL have we paid money for?" However, our ears adjusted, and the show DEFINITELY got better as it went on. Full marks for a GREAT show. For those of you who've been to Playmakers in Chapel Hill, the layout is very similar, and tonight our seats were over to the side. It worked out perfect given the way the s
tage was positioned, and we actually preferred these seats to those we had for "The Crucible." All in all, a GREAT night!
We're now back at the flat, still working through the cheese mum bought us in Amsterdam. SO GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD (peppy cheekies).
Okay, that's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!
Antipholus and Adriana...I mean Sam and Jenny
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