And a good Sun
day morning to you after antoher GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. Yesterday was choc-a-bloc full of closing off London "bucket list" items, and we had a blast amidst PERFECT weather in the Smoke.
For starters, we rolled out of bed about noon or so, had a little coffee, and then wandered around Marylebone running errands (truly stimulating activities like picking up dry-cleaning and buying new Brita filters - those puppies are HUGE), but by 2 PM we were out the door and en route for the first activity of the day - a pub (shocking, I know) on Old Street called "Look Mum, No Hands!"
So a little back story here - Tom "The Hairless Wonder" Price sent the link for this place to me about a month ago. Bottom line - it's a "b
icycle themed cafe, bar, and WORKSHOP." That's right - you can wheel up for a bite, relax in their beer garden, and watch the telly whilst they repair your shimano gears or whatever you fix on a bike. Tom told me I simply must visit this place, and with the weather being perfect, Puffin and I thought that was a great idea.
True to form, the place was GREAT. Tom - it's something out of Watauga or Avery Country, dude. Bikes hanging up everywhere, everybody in there (except JT and I) is covered in jailhouse tats, wearing lycra, and ENGROSSED in the Tour de France (Stage 7 in case anyone's curious). The food was great (all veggie), and we took down a Spinach and Feta pie with (A REAL) salad. Seriously - the salad there was GREAT, especially when you wash it down with Belgian,
French, or Swiss beer in a frosted mug.
We watched 2 hours of the tour there before rolling out to Smithfield Market (the old meat packing district), where we had a pint of Zatec (check lager - not bad) at S.O.S. - that would be Smith's of Smithfields (very clever name, I know). Back story on this -we'd met Yazz here back in 2007 (we just dra
nk Meantime Ales back then), and it is a GREAT space. We've actually tried to eat there twice, but both times it's been booked up. And whilst I don't have eating there on my bucket list, I am DEFINITELY glad we got back for an afternoon pint, soaking up the sun, admiring the architecture of the marketplace, and just enjoying life.
After that, we walked past St. Paul's and across the river, where we caught a rare treat. As part of the City of London Festival (a big celebration of the arts going on right now), there are pianos ALL OVER the city, and folks can just sit and play whenever they want.
We saw a guy TEAR UP some original works - it was AMAZING! We then crossed the Millennium bridge before catching the Tube at Southwark for Waterloo before hopping a train to Wandsworth Town. There we met J-Wade and Yazz for drinks at this GREAT pub called Edge Hill, where J even treated us to a round of pints he'd won at the last quiz night! It was a GREAT evening, filled with a bloody BRILLIANT match between Uruguay and Germany (Bob - 5 goals scored - you had to enjoy that! It was almost like the goal keepers weren't even there...), some good beer, and plenty of laughs. Okay, there was the one lady who didn't like the fact that, since the gents was occupied, I used the ladies and left the door open. But hey - when ya gotta go, ya gotta go...
Dinner that night was a GREAT curry just next door - that J Wade can execute on a plan! 2-1-3 Throw it UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!! It really was delish, and whilst we started inside, we ended up getting to sit outside on a PERFECT night.
We then caught the last trains to a) Victoria and b) Oxford Circus, so I would call it a VERY successful day. The only problem was that we didn't get into bed until 1 and I woke up at 5:18 SWEATING LIKE A BANSHEE (credit to GC Robinson for that quote). It was about 19,000 degrees in our bedroom, so I tried to sleep on the couch for 2 hours. For those of you that don't know, a bed of nails is more comfortable than our couch, so obviously that was a TERRIBLE idea. All good, however, as I dosed until about 11, and as I type this my perfect pumpkin is still asleep.
Okay, time to wake up muffin and get after it again. Gotta make it count! That's all the news that's fit to print. Chat later today!
GO HOLLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ORANJE!!!! ORANJE!!!!!!!!!
Sam and Jenny
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