Thursday, 29 July 2010

A BIG day in the office...


And a good evening to you from across the Pond after another GREAT DAY in the Mother Country. One more day until the weekend! That being said, I'm in no rush, as today (much like yesterday) was one of those days where tons of little wins (and one big one) make for a terrific Thursday. And when you add in the fact that I'm blogging whilst watching the European Track and Field Championships (which are AWESOME, btw) AND managing another AFD, well, life is guuuuuuuuuuuuud.

So for starters, I discovered Tortilla today!!!! HOLY MOLY! Hitman had talked about this place forever, but until today I'd never branched out. Let's just say I will become a regular from this point until I leave the Mother Country. 6 quid buys you a burrito that rivals (if not beats) Qdoba and Moe's - we're talking Carrborito quality here! There was so much grilled steak on that puppy that I feel reasonably sure an entire cow was sacrificed on a Mayan Altar to feed me. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! And Old School Cool - that place WILL make the "Expat SO GUUUUUUD Guide to Quasi-fine dining in London."

The workout was great as well, although I can feel my foot slightly for the first time in weeks, which tells me that I could be slightly overdoing it. All the same, I've managed 4 "Sammy circuits" this week, and I am really pleased with that. I mean, hey - with the way I'm eating, I've got no choice! I managed 27km (about 18 miles) in 46 minutes, followed by a 5K in 27:30 (I was WHIPPED), and then some sit-ups (which takes effort, because the spare tire is ALIVE AND WELL).

The biggest news of the day, however, came on the work front. Now I know I've got a lot of work peeps on the blog, so I'm sure eyes are about to start rolling all over the place. However, for those non-bankers out there - I made Senior Vice President today!!! And no, it doesn't mean that I'm second in command for the entire company...

Seriously - SVP is a corporate title to recognize service, and I was shocked when I found out. Therefore, as you can expect, I was QUITE thrilled when Big Cat delivered the message. I wish all surpises at work were that nice! Dad - I think this means the might wait another couple of weeks before firing me. Then again, now that the new behavior training course is out...

Okay, the men's 1500 (my favorite event) is coming up soon, so I need to give it my full attention. There's nothing more rewarding than working out to the point you can barely stand only to get home and see how out of shape you really are - QUALITY.

That's all the news that's fit to print. Chat tomorrow!


Sam and Jenny

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