Monday 27 July 2009

Settling into a nice routine...


And a good afternoon to you on the other side of the Pond. Today was another GREAT day with 2 important events:

1. We have found the mysterious and elusive culprit of the famed "Jenny's Marshall shirts and my Balaga socks shredding incident." Apparently some bra wire left over from previous owners was stuck in the till. Now that it's sorted, we should be all set. And it should be noted that the repair man came at 7:30 this morning - which means that guy CLEARLY has never worked at Time-Warner Cable.

2. Our Cleaning Lady Rocia arrived! Wow - this woman has got to be some type of sorceress - the place looks great!

After 16 days in the UK, the Taylors are settling into a nice routine. A couple of AFD's (those are alcohol free days) a week, exercise Mon-Fri, a matinee show on Saturday, and a day trip somewhere on Sunday. We are trying to eat out 3 nights a week (Fri, Sat, and once during the week), packing lunch and shopping every third day for what we need (no car means you can't buy much at any given time - CostCo where art thou?). All in all, we simply COULD NOT be happier with the way things are going - this is so much more than I could have expected or hoped for (insert the Martin Warf "the company can't pay off the TARP money because Sam's in Marlebone" line here...).

In other news, I continue to sink deeper and deeper into gimp status. I woke up this morning fine and dandy, but the walk to work was miserably painful - not ON MY LEFT, GREEN-STICK FRACTURED BROKEN FOOT, MIND YOU - but in my right ankle. No idea what is wrong, but I am currently laid up icing it. Oh well, it hasn't stopped me from hitting the gym and at least doing weights and abs, but it does mean that cardio will continue to slip. Grrrrrr....

And since I wouldn't dream of leaving you without photos, here's tonight's feature pic - as striking as an Ansel Adams, as moving as a Monet, as Powerful as a Pollack, I give beautiful muffin puffin whipping up some pasta with chicken and mushrooms.

Copies should be available at auction at Sotheby's later this fall.

That's all the news that's fit to print. Fingers crossed I'll be bi-pedal tomorrow!


Sam and Jenny

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